ENS Avatar
22.54K OP
Proposals Voted35 (9.51%)
For / Against / Abstain32 / 2 / 1
Recent activity0 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from26 addresses

Delegate Statement

DAOplomats, a governance-as-a-service organization dedicated to empowering DAOs through effective governance, treasury management, grants programs, and community-building initiatives

The pursuit of growth and innovation is a timeless human endeavor, and as technology continues to evolve, new opportunities arise for us to shape the world around us. The advent of decentralized finance has brought about a new paradigm for governance, where power is distributed among a community of individuals rather than being centralized in a single entity.

As a potential delegate in Optimism’s governance, we have the opportunity to participate in this new era of decentralized decision making and play an active role in shaping the future of this exciting ecosystem. By contributing our unique skills and perspective, we aim to help drive positive change and advance the goals of the community. To make the most impact in Optimism’s governance, it’s important to approach our role as a delegate with a philosophical mindset.

We are here to engage in open and honest dialogue, collaborate with others, and put the interests of the community above our own. By doing this, we can not only help create a more robust and resilient ecosystem, but also be part of a movement that is changing the world for the better. Ultimately, being a delegate is about more than just making decisions - it’s about being part of a larger movement to create a more equitable and sustainable future for us all. By contributing our time, expertise, and creativity, we can be a part of this exciting chapter in human history.

No advanced delegations found

Past Votes

Prop 1103...0147
- 2 months ago

Protocol Upgrade #4

for with 31.5K votes
Prop 8788...5896
- 2 months ago

Mission Requests: Intent #4, 1.33M OP

Voted: Request 4B: [Building Identity - Driving Adoption of Attestations], Request 4E: [Delegation Quest SDK Mission Request], Request 4F: [Incentivize and increase governance participation], Request 4H: [Interactive Educational Program for Delegates and Governance Contributors], Request 4I: [Making Impact Evaluation Accessible], Request 4G: [Integration of Optimism Gov and RPGF Modules into University Courses] with 31.5K votes
Abstained from Mentorship Program b/c we proposed the mission
Prop 2871...4996
- 2 months ago

Mission Requests: Intent #3, 1.33M OP

Voted: Request 3A: [Advancing Optimism Anonymous Community and Governance Tooling], Request 3B: [An Optimistic Future for Art], Request 3C: [Crowdsourcing useful verifiable data], Request 3E: [Incentivize Projects to Integrate the Farcaster Social Graph], Request 3F: [Marketing Support Services mission request], Request 3G: [Onboarding existing communities/organizations to Optimism, solving real-world problems], Request 3I: [Onchain Quest & Education Infrastructure], Request 3J: [Optimism Ecosystem Proof of Provenance Infrastructure (EPPI) Mission Request], Request 3K: [Scale ENS to Optimism], Request 3L: [Superchain Accounts] with 31.5K votes
Prop 7301...5780
- 2 months ago

Mission Requests: Intent #2, 4M OP

Voted: Request 2A: [Additional Revenue Sources to Fund RetroPGF Rounds], Request 2B: [Builders grants program mission request], Request 2C: [Enabling ERC-7281 (xERC20 Tokens) Support on the Superchain Mission Request], Request 2E: [Growth and experiments grants program mission request], Request 2F: [Hosting “Optimism Unleashed” event at EthCC 2024], Request 2H: [Making Optimism a primary home of liquid staked eth], Request 2I: [Novel treasury bootstrapping solutions], Request 2K: [OptiHack Global Initiative], Request 2M: [Superchain Hackathon Mission Request] with 31.5K votes
Prop 9846...7958
- 2 months ago

Mission Requests: Intent #1, 1.33M OP

Voted: Request 1A: [Alternative CL/EL client Mission Request], Request 1B: [Decentralized rollup-as-a-service], Request 1C: [Fraud Proof CTF Mission Request], Request 1D: [Implement a prototype of an OP stack chain with mempool , Request 1F: [Open Source OP Stack Developer Tooling] with 31.5K votes
Prop 2032...3863
- 5 months ago

Upgrade #2: Canyon Protocol Upgrade

for with 34.2K votes
Prop 9686...5088
- 5 months ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics

Voted: Ocandocrypto, Mmurthy, Raho, LauNaMu, v3naru_Curia with 43.6K votes
Prop 8735...5819
- 5 months ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Growth Experiments

Voted: Michael Vander Meiden, Katie Garcia, MoneyManDoug, GFX, Matt L with 43.6K votes
Prop 1364...9688
- 5 months ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Builders

Voted: Jack Anorak, Gonna.eth, Mastermojo, Ethernaut, Kaereste with 43.6K votes
Prop 1028...4110
- 5 months ago

Code of Conduct Council: Member Nominations

Voted: Juankbell, Teresacd, Oxytocin, Axel_T, Juanbug_PGov with 43.6K votes
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