ENS Avatar
Voting power1.029M
Delegated addresses3089
Proposals created0

Delegate Statement

Hello everyone! We are 404 DAO, a non-profit born out of Blockchain at Georgia Tech that is advancing Web3 advocacy, adoption, and innovation. Blockchain at GT is a student led organization at Georgia Tech and currently has over 40 active members.

The 404 DAO team believes in the future of Ethereum and the importance of scalability in achieving mass adoption. Optimism is a core piece of infrastructure to make this vision a reality and we are honored to contribute. Through our diverse business and technical perspectives, we aim to further Optimism's impact by actively engaging in community discussions and participating in governance. We will leverage this experience to educate and empower the next generation of leaders through our partnership with Blockchain at GT.

404 DAO is committed to transparency; everything involved in our governance decisions will be recorded and displayed on this notion page: https://www.notion.so/404-dao/404-DAO-Governance-519af67dccd84df7b1d9dc50312fd813?pvs=4

More information about 404 DAO and our efforts in Atlanta can be found on our website: https://www.404dao.io/

My view on the Optimistic Vision:

The axiom of Impact = Profit strongly resonates with our team as we believe it is crucial for individuals to be properly rewarded for their contributions in order to align incentives. Over the last 7-8 months we have seen the Optimistic Collective governance model successfully drive rapid growth for the Optimism ecosystem. However moving into 2023, delegates and governance participants need to focus on turning this early growth into something sustainable for the long-term. It is the responsibility of The Collective to properly reward the individuals building public goods, tools, and applications in the Optimism ecosystem.

As stated in the OP Vision, current cyberspace is plagued by the mistake of applying physical rulesets to a system that is not bound by the same constraints. We strongly agree that it is important to recognize the difference between traditional physical systems and digital systems. And while it is advantageous for the Collective to follow established best practices used in current democracies, it is crucial to recognize that new systems will open the door for new types of solutions.

My view on the first three articles of the Working Constitution:

As a team and organization we value an iterative governance process and believe it is the best path forward for the Collective. The web3 landscape is ever-changing, so our team views the Working Constitution as an optimal framework to guide the early stages of the Collective. While flexibility is key in the early stages of governance, we do believe it is important for the Bedrock constitution to be implemented in no more than 4 years. Additionally, we respect the need for the Optimism Foundation and are confident that it will act in the best interest of the Optimism ecosystem.

My Web3 interests: Data and analytics, DeFi, Economics, Zero knowledge

My skills and areas of expertise: Our team has a diverse set of both technical and non-technical skills. These range from data science and analytics, MEV, and business development/sales.

My favorite Web3 projects: Puzzle, Revest Finance, Harpie