Approval Vote Proposal by The Optimism Foundation

Council Reviewer Elections: Growth Experiments Grants

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Proposed Transactions

// Katie Garcia

Reveal 6 more options

Following the approval of the Grants Council, the Token House will elect 5 Reviewers to the Growth Experiments Grants sub-committee.

This vote will utilize approval voting. Voting is set up such that you can place a vote for any number of nominees. In the case of approval/ranked choice votes, delegates may vote for themselves, so long as they also cast votes for the remaining elected positions.

This Season 4 proposal is eligible for voting in Special Voting Cycle #12b.


Katie Garcia
16.71M OP(79%)
Michael Vander Meiden
16.4M OP(77%)
Matt L
15.88M OP(75%)
14.64M OP(69%)
11.42M OP(54%)
7.08M OP(33%)
195.45K OP(1%)
Quorum 0 OP
Current 21.19M OP


Ended May 5, 2023 at 11:02 AM

In this top-choices style proposal, the top 5 options will be executed. Voters can select up to 7 options. If the quorum is not met, no options will be executed.