Standard Proposal by The Optimism Foundation

Protocol Upgrade #6: Multi-Chain Prep (MCP) L1

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Upgrade proposal: MCP - This protocol upgrade strengthens the security and upgradeability of the Superchain by enabling L1 contracts to be upgraded atomically across multiple chains in a single transaction. This upgrade also extends the SystemConfig to contain the addresses of the contracts in the network, allowing users to discover the system’s contract addresses programmatically. The upgrade is code complete as of commit e6ef3a900c42c8722e72c2e2314027f85d12ced5 (release and tag) in the Optimism monorepo.

This proposal is eligible for Voting Cycle #19:

If passed in the Token House, it will proceed to a veto period in the Citizens’ House.

Voting activity
FOR - 35,280,182
AGAINST - 4,133
Quorum 26,571,000


Ended 9:51 pm Mar 06, 2024
Hasn't voted