We are voting in favor of Rolling Mission Requests, as having an available budget but having to wait for next season to utilize it doesn’t seem reasonable.
We fully recommend that this be approved, but because GFX Labs is on the Grants Council, which collectively proposed this poll, we are required under updated rules to abstain for our own vote.
abstaining as a member of the grants council
At SEEDGov, we're voting in favor of this proposal.
Abstain due to our role as a Grants Council member
Seems like a no brainer, the Grants team seems good with it, so reducing friction is always good.
I would vote For if I wasn't a Grants Council member. I am abstaining to help the quorum
Abstaining as a member of the grants council
These funds have already been approved for distribution by the Token House, and enabling this will reduce the number of votes needed to conduct already approved usage of funds.
WakeUp Labs is abstaining from voting since we've been Mission grantees and will likely apply again. However, we see value in brainstorming and focus groups within the OP Ecosystem to better align Mission Requests with the goals of the DAO, Foundation, and OP Labs. As a team of software engineers that has already worked with OP, we find mission requests valuable in helping us stay aligned with the collective’s needs, which is why we find them so valuable when building for Optimism.
I am abstaining due to my current role as a Grants Council member
Approving it based on the exciting requests of cycle 27
This proposal lets us use leftover funds to support more devs on OP Mainnet whenever new opportunities pop up in Season 6.
Abstaining because of my current role on the Grants Council
the frog approves
Voting FOR the proposal.
For Sparta!!!!!
The Event Horizon Community Voted to Support this Proposal ehOP-3: EventHorizon.vote/vote/optimism/ehOP-3
keep building
Approving this proposal ensures that the funds are utilized effectively to achieve the strategic objectives set by the community.
gm op KARTEL 161
I think it's fine to roll the mission requests.
This change would allow for faster and more efficient use of the approved funds. It enables continuous support for developers without requiring frequent new votes.
Developers! Developers! Developers!
Voting FOR the proposal
Lovely one i must say
I think it is sensible to allow these funds to be used for other (new) mission requests, given the funds have already been approved.
Great idea
A good proposal.
Full support
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