Proposed Transactions
// Request 1A: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1A
In Season 6, the Token House will approval rank Mission Requests (requests for grants) that work towards our Collective Intents. Below are the Mission Requests under Intent 3A: Grow Application Developers on OP Mainnet.These Mission Requests should work towards the below target metric:
Target metric: 9,500 active developers driving usage across the Superchain
Mission Requests are shown in the order suggested by the Grants Council. As a voter, you may vote in order to accept the suggestion of the Grants Council or you may vote according to your own preferences. As a voter, you should vote yes on all Mission Requests you think should be approved, and you should abstain from voting on Mission Requests you do not think should be approved. You can use this spreadsheet to see how your votes would impact the budget allocation.
This vote utilizes approval voting. Mission Requests will be approval ranked based on the number of yes votes. Each Mission Request must receive a minimum number of yes votes, equal to 51% of quorum and fall within the ranking eligible to receive budget allocation. For more details, please see How to Vote on Missions Guide.
Please note batch approval is required for Requests 1A-1D as they interoperate. If not all Requests 1A-1D are approved, none of them will receive budget.
Intent 3A: Grow Application Developers on OP Mainnet, 6M OP Budgeted
Mission Requests:
Request 1A: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1 200,000 OP
Request 1B: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 2 500,000 OP
Request 1C: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 3 1,000,000 OP
Request 1D: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 4 170,000 OP
Request 2: Subsidized Audit Grants 250,000 OP
Request 3: Developer Tools 200,000 OP
Request 4: Research capital migration to the Superchain 100,000 OP
Request 5: Microgrants for Experimental Projects 50,000 OP
Request 6: Optimism as base for LRTs 600,000 OP
Request 7 Experimental Derivative Markets 200,000 OP
Request 8: ERC 4337 Data & Attribution Standards for the Superchain 150,000 OP
Request 9: Sequencer commitment games 10,000 OP
Request 10: Develop Onchain Social Games that attract Builders to Optimism - v2 75,000 OP
Request 11: Open-source transaction simulator 50,000 OP
Request 12: Increase Project Accounts 200,000 OP
Request 13: Support on-chain games close to launch 70,000 OP
Request 14:Optimism as Venture Studio 100,000 OP
Request 15: Gaming Infra in the Superchain 150,000 OP
Request 16: Marquee Governance Hackaton 50,000 OP
Request 17 :Accelerating Game Development in the Superchain 300,000 OP
Request 18: Decentralized Basis Trade 200,000 OP
Request 19: Create Educational Programs that Empower Developers on Optimism - Modified with Lower Budget 50,000 OP
In this threshold-based proposal, all options passing the approval threshold of 13.63M OP votes will be executed in order from most to least popular, until the total budget of 6M OP runs out. Voters can select up to 22 options. If the quorum is not met, no options will be executed.