End User Experience & Adoption
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Optiland Quests



Optiland Quests - onboarding users to Optimism

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13 ballots


Optimistic Bunnies is the first NFT on Optimism featuring original artwork. The project has made significant contributions to the Optimism ecosystem through our Learn and Earn quests and Coinbase wallet quest. Our weekly Learn to Earn quests encouraged participants to learn a different protocol every week in the broader OP ecosystem. The learning topics included protocols in the defi, NFTs, bridges, wallets, onramp, and tools categories. The program produced around 400 power users of the Optimism ecosystem. We were also invited by Coinbase to produce an artwork that was featured as part of the Coinbase wallet quests. This initiative provided a large net positive in helping onboard 25,000 Coinbase Wallet users onto Optimism, creating a positive impact on the entire Optimism system.


Our activities contribute towards a healthy and engaging sector in the NFT space directly, and indirectly to the Optimism protocols we promote. Our learn and earn program created around 400 power users who are familiar with various dApps in the OP ecosystem. We had around 2,600 submissions and 2,100 approved submissions. 15 Optimism projects benefited from the additional exposure from quests. Our Coinbase wallet quest - Fall of Sybil, had around 25,000 mints since launch. It onboarded 25,000 Coinbase users to Optimism. The collection has around 97% unique owners. Coinbase distributed roughly $122,000 in $OP to the quest participants directly. The additional users onboarded through the quest provided a net positive to the entire OP ecosystem.

Funding sources

Governance fund
20000 $OP grant given entirely to quest participants
20,000.00 OP