Collective Governance
End User Experience & Adoption
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MrCrypto Arabic



The biggest arabic community that focused on teaching arabs about web3.0

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31 ballots


Our goal is to educate the Arab speaking community about crypto, public goods and the Optimistic vision. By offering free educational content, we expose our community to the power of this innovative technology. Our efforts expand beyond content creation, we also gamify and reward the experience to encourage our community to take action onchain and learn by doing various tasks including swaps, bridging, minting, and participating in DeFi. This is important because the bans that exist in many Arab speaking countries limit access to this type of education and keep our community behind. We’re proud to share that many of our community members have grown into devs, builders, and web3 educators.

Funding sources

Gitcoin grand GG18
500.00 USD
Sponsors on youtube | sharing knowledge about web3
5,000.00 USD