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Highlighting my additional contributions in the TechNERDs project.

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9 ballots


I am a member of the TechNERD program (Contribution Path Project) The TechNERDS program has broadened my path of contribution Key Contributions: 1. Recommending and bringing developers into the Wanna-TechNerd channel. 2. Championed the implementation of a process to address long-standing issues. 3. Collect and publish classic Q&A (with answers from OPLabs) for reuse. 4. Initiated in-depth discussions on specialized issues through the Research Discussion Threads. Addressing Duplicate Rewards: The contribution's I'm highlighting in this application are above and beyond the TechNERD contribution path's scope of work. Soyboy, the primary steward of the TechNERD program, has attested to how I have gone beyond the baseline requirements of the program.


These efforts enriched the project's legacy, fostered discussion culture, and either resolved practical issues or explored solutions. In the Wanna-TechNerd channel, two active developers were recommended by me, boosting engagement and project support. A common process for resolving longstanding issues: I initiated this process for 'Adding node for OP stack chain' and 'debug geth', addressing challenges and improving issue resolution culture. I've collected and shared questions and authoritative answers in 'wanna-techNerds', enhancing knowledge management. Beneficiaries: Developers, TechNerds Project, OP Collective.

Funding sources

Governance fund
4.2K OP for each TechNERD Locked for 1 year - S4 Governance Mission Proposal
4,200.00 OP