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IntoTheBlock Optimism Analytics



ITB launched analytics for Optimism, Base, and projects building on the OP Stack

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Earlier this year, IntoTheBlock (ITB) added Optimism to its analytics platform. The release included analytics for Optimism, Base, and related Op Stack projects. Specifically, ITB Optimism analytics include over 50+ indicators covering 30+ Optimism-native tokens. ITB’s investment for incorporating Optimism into its platform was approximately $490,000 including infrastructure, engineering, research and marketing resources: ● Data infrastructure and the ETL pipelines to index the Optimism blockchain. ● Computation infrastructure used to calculate the indicators regularly. ● Engineering resources required to build the data, analytics, APIs and frontend interfaces. ● Research resources used to model the indicators. ● Marketing resources used to regularly publish content.


IntoTheBlock (ITB) has built analytics for 30+ projects building on top of Optimism mainnet and Base. These indicators include key metrics regarding network activity, performance and overall activity. By offering these metrics and promoting them we have helped create both retail and institutional demand for Optimism, receiving positive feedback and users looking to contribute to the Optimism collective. IntoTheBlock has extensively shared Optimism research through marketing avenues. IntoTheBlock’s research team conducted two webinars focused on the Optimism and Base ecosystems with hundreds of attendees. Several indicators regarding Optimism were shared in the ITB newsletter with 30k+ subscribers. Multiple tweets about Optimism were shared with ITB’s audience of 50k+ followers.

Funding sources

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