Developer Ecosystem
End User Experience & Adoption
OP Stack
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Developed tool for devnet & bundler, contributed PRs to op-node, wrote articles.

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23 ballots


Hi Optimism fans, I'm Joohhnnn, a big fan of Optimism just like you. I've been a developer for three years and have submitted some PRs to Geth, the Ethereum ecosystem, and op-node. I'm also part of EPF4 (Eth-Protocol-Fellows), and am working on the project "Optimism-Sequencer-Support-for-ERC-4337-Bundlers". Plus, I've written many articles for developers to explain how Optimism works. Additionally, I've created a tool to adapt Optimism's devnet and bundler, enhancing the workflow for developers.


Joined EPF, noticed Optimism's lead in ERC4337 adaptation across chains. Proposed a universal eth_sendRawTransactionConditional() method for mainnet & Layer 2 solutions. Post writing code flow articles, received recognition from advanced users including Opensea's vase. Discord mods often cite my articles for complex queries. Assisted curious developers. Resolved a long-standing bundler issue in the Optimism repo, creating a tool easing future ERC4337 tests on Optimism devnet. Actively addressing open issues in the Optimism repo, engaging in discussions with Proto. Assisted with developer inquiries and ecosystem products, earning unanimous acclaim.

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