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0x99...CB4e helped over 100,000 people learn about Farcaster, built on Optimism

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Contribution helped over 100,000 unique people around the world learn about Farcaster, a decentralized social network built on Optimism ( When our users registered on Farcaster through us, or logged in through our client at, they interacted directly with Optimism. We also helped developers build on Farcaster, we offered free and open-source Farcaster APIs (, and teached users how to run a Farcaster hub for half the cost of the official guides (


We helped over 100,000 unique people learn about Farcaster, and contributed to over 2,000 onchain Optimism transactions in 11 days once Farcaster went permissionless. We also helped people build on Farcaster through our free open-source Farcaster APIs, and through our tutorials on how to run a Farcaster hub for half the cost of the official guides.

Funding sources

Revenue on Optimism, Farcaster Proxy Contract
2,539.00 USD