ChainEye contributes to Optimism in multiple aspects:
Onchain Map - An overview of fundamental metrics on Optimism. Exploring attractive opportunities on Optimism such as yield farming, swap & lending, NFT mining, airdrop, Hot Contract, DAO governance, etc.
Mini Bridge - The cheapest and fastest solution for small-amount cross-chain transfers. Help users to bridge funds from/to Optimism with zero fees.
BridgeEye - a multi-chain bridge comparison tool. Users can use this tool to find the optimal bridge option from other chains to optimism.
CEX transfer fee - Find the cheapest route from CEX to Optimism.
Multichain Gas - Check the gas hourly distribution and history for Optimism.
RPC List - The best public RPC for Optimism in terms of height, latency, 24-hour status, privacy, etc.