Developer Ecosystem
End User Experience & Adoption
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Gajesh Naik



15 yo software engineer and open source contributor

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14 ballots


My primary contribution to Optimism lies in developing cross-chain protocols, bolstering interoperability. OmniLido allows users to deposit into Lido from Optimism, bridging ETH to Ethereum via LayerZero. OmniMint & OmniBuy further this cross-chain mission. All codes are open-sourced on GitHub, ensuring transparency and fostering community-driven innovation. By leveraging Optimism's low gas fees and robust Layer 2 attributes, these projects accentuate its versatility and appeal in the blockchain sphere.


By open-sourcing cross-chain protocols, I’ve enabled collective innovation and experimentation. OmniLido and similar projects spotlight Optimism’s versatility, spurring its adoption within the Collective. Such initiatives set high benchmarks, driving developers to reach new heights. Overall, I’ve not only added technological prowess but invigorated the Collective's spirit and growth.

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