Developer Ecosystem
End User Experience & Adoption
OP Stack
Ivan on Tech icon

Ivan on Tech



I run of the biggest and most watched crypto YouTube channels.

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9 ballots


We create impact for the Optimism ecosystem by educating our audience of 1M+ monthly viewers on Public Goods, RPGF, and the benefits of building on OP Stack. We’ve also motivated our audience to bridge eth to OP mainnet and Base, mint our daily free NFTs as proof of attendance and interact with dapps. This far we have onboarded over 1k people from our videos to bridge assets into Optimism and Base and can probably onboard 10k+ in the coming quarters.


Our contributions to Optimism consist of educational content focusing on Public Goods like Open Source Software, Eth Infra, and education on the OP stack. We’ve also created content focusing on RPGF to motivate our community of builders, devs, degens and regens to build on OP. We’ve also started including daily free mints as proof of attendance to our streams.

Funding sources

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