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I'm a long time builder and contributor in the space with a focus on education, onboarding and community. My work primarily focuses on building free, open-source tools, resources and other projects that help and empowers developers and other builders. These projects include.. 1. useWeb3 - a curated overview of Web3 learning resources and materials - a 'good first' issues tracker to contribute to open-source, Web3 projects (incl. Optimism) - an academy to test your knowledge and issues ZK credentials (on Optimism) - a gas tracker, incl. Optimism - online 30 days, dev cohorts (held twice) 2. Nexth - Next.js + Ethereum starter kit 3. Other projects - Gitcoin Passport score NFT, issues your Sybil resistance score on Optimism - Optimist NFT, that attests your activity score using ATST


useWeb3 has been running since Aug 2021 as a free, open-source public good. Twitter followers: +20.8K Newsletter subscribes: 11.4K Website stats: 35k views/month Github stars: 366 Participants in my 30-days of Web3 builder cohorts: 58 Nexth has been active since Dec 2022, completely open-source and used by and for several projects, hackathons and side quests. Github stars: 432 Gitcoin Passport NFT: +20k NFT mints ZK Academy Credentials: 23 NFT mints

Funding sources

Gitcoin grants and some sponsorship fees
3,321.00 USD