OP Stack
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I am a blockchain engineer who specializes in in smart contract development

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1) Refactoring Optimism Codebase for Security & Standardization OP Stack has technical debt as tests suites are split between two different frameworks. To solve this, I have refactored the code and standardized into single framework\ and make sure that we’re covering every possible case and that we’re not missing anything, improving security. I has done this by opening and getting them merged the following 6 PRs:


Referring to Optimism monorepo ‘s issue ( https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/issues/4980): The smart contracts for Optimism’s  Bedrock  includes a set of test suites  written with Echidna for property testing. These contracts also have a set of test suites with Forge for invariant tests. In order to improving security and standardize tooling of OP stack, OP Labs is looking for contributors to help converting the Echidna tests into to Forge invariant tests. I has completed this task by opening and getting them merged the following 6 PRs:

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