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Blockchain na Escola



Fostering D&I on web3 through blockchain education for public Brazilian schools

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15M Brazilians own crypto assets, however the lack of crypto-related subjects in regular school materials underscores a gap in the conventional curriculum. We aim to increase safety and awareness around web3, and offer students hope and the technological tools to build a better future. Hence, we've created a ReFi fundamentals 2h workshop and a ReFi entrepreneurship 12-week program aimed at public school students from 13-17. We're focusing on public schools to make sure this technology can benefit traditionally underserved communities. We're aiming at high school students to provide them with different perspectives for the future. BnE is the first and most successful educational initiative that brings Web3 content through the ReFi lens to regular public schools in Brazil.


Results achieved in the last 12 months: - Created a 12-week ReFi course and 2h blockchain fundamentals workshop for public school students between 13-18 years old - Raised awareness around web3 through workshops for 500+ Brazilian public schools students with a focus on ReFi - Raised awareness around web3 use cases among entrepreneurs on talks at Suape’s Industrial Portuary Complex and the Bahia Expo event, organized by SEBRAE. - Minted over 30K NFT certificates from courses created in the 101.xyz platform - Certified 80 students in the blockchain fundamentals workshop in - Sent our education token ($NOS) to 50 students (no financial value) - Started conversations with the Education Department from the Bahia state to institutionalize our blockchain curriculum at public schools

Funding sources

Prezenti grant (December 2022 - July 2023)
30,000.00 USD