End User Experience & Adoption
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Bankless Africa



Educating and onboarding everyday Africans to Web3

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Bankless Africa has played a pivotal role in creating awareness and accelerating the understanding and adoption of Optimism across Africa. Our efforts have been instrumental in educating and onboarding everyday Africans to the Optimism ecosystem by fervently promoting and propagating the optimistic vision, technology and community.


Education and Awareness Bankless Africa educated new and existing audience about the Optimism collective through diverse channels, reaching over 3,000 audience across Africa and beyond. Content covered Optimism basics, technology, benefits and usage, fostering a positive outlook for the Op collective in Africa Onboarding through IRL Meetups Bankless Africa hosted over 4 meet ups across African cities/villages in Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya focused specifically on effective onboarding. Attendees were showed how to create wallets, add op network and engage in simple transactions such as transfers and minting nfts Community Building Bankless Africa fostered an Op-centric community by engaging community members in informative AMAs and empowering members to participate in the collective

Funding sources

Governance fund
5 newsletters/publication for bDAO's global media campaign for Op vision
6,000.00 OP
Governance fund
3 Podcast episodes for bDAO's global media campaign for Op vision
4,500.00 OP