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UNWA is an onchain music community in Vietnam.

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12 ballots


UNWA support onchain music artists like San Holo, Rohki, TK, Daniel Allan... / labels like Coop Records, Ziggy Ziggy... in on Optimism not only in financial but also in helping them understand collectors thinking. What we have done atm: - Top 4 curators leaderboard (revenue referrals in Sound) which helped artists get financial through their onchain music & brought music lovers to Sound on Optimism. - Top 3 mints driven which helped artists bring thousand tracks to fan. - UNWA members are top1 - 10 collectors in many music projects / artists which funded artists in their onchain journey. We did many educational talking & sharing about onchain music in not only our community but also in many communities in VN. We believe music onchain could bring a good impact to crypto space.


- Top 4 curators leader board (top 4 revenue referral in Sound): ~ 5 ETH in total volume - Top 3 mints driven: ~ 3200 nft music tracks for more than 50 projects / artists - Top 6 in number of artists supporting: 53 projects / artists in Sound. - UNWA members are top1 - top 10 collectors in many projects / artists: Top1 San Holo, Top 5 TK, Top 7 Rohki, Top 5 Sadye, Top 1 High Tropics, Top 4 Sarah Phillips... (link below) - We brought hundred of new people to Music Web3 on Sound. Couldnt track the exact number because many didnt mint through our ref links. But for example 30+ of them are using UNWA behind their name to show our music sharing culture (the last link below ***)

Funding sources

We havent received anything of them before.
0.00 USD