End User Experience & Adoption
OP Stack
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French Crypto YouTuber, sharing content on L2 and DeFi education

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1) Creating over 500 videos covering a wide range of cryptocurrency topics and educational content for my YouTube channel, which boasts 12,500 subscribers. 2) Foestering a thriving community of more than 2,000 French-speaking crypto enthusiasts on my Discord server. 3) Providing valuable insights and real-life examples of various scam attacks and false information to help safeguard users. 4) Created an original NFT Freemint with a reveal which attracted 648 unique addresses to Zora, a blockchain building with the OP Stack.


1) I assisted over 12,500 users in beginning their blockchain journey through my YouTube channel. 2) I increased awareness of the Optimism Collective by creating various videos on Base, Zora, and Optimism. In the past year, my videos collectively received more than 612,000 views. 3) I actively thwarted common scams by creating and sharing 9 security and disinformation awareness videos. 4) I provided support to over 2,000 users by responding to questions, offering tips, and sharing discoveries on my Discord server. 5) I created an event for my community in the form of a freemint NFT collection with a reveal. 648 unique addresses interacted with the contract over 5091 transactions on Zora's blockchain.

Funding sources

Received through YouTube advertising over a period of 2,5 years.
2,641.44 USD