End User Experience & Adoption
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Cryptotesters is a community of crypto power users.

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Cryptotesters has helped the ecosystem in several ways. First, we were one of the first major NFT collections to launch on Optimism and get traction. There are over 900 unique holders of our membership NFT. Many of which were new to Optimism and had to bridge funds to mint/buy the NFT on Optimism. There's a healthy mix of some of the best founders in DeFi in our community as well as "retail users" from emerging markets. One of our main missions at Cryptotesters is to bridge the gap between users and founders. We airdropped half of these membership NFTs to old community members before the mint date 2 years ago and have given many away since in order to give people from all backgrounds a chance of entering.

Contribution links


The bigger positive impact we've had on Optimism is helping native projects get traction. User acquisition is one of the hardest and most painful problems in crypto. We've allows many Optimism founders tap into our user base of committed and savvy on-chain power users. Some of the projects we've worked with: - Polynomial (futures trading competition, Beta testing of vault product) - Thales ( Beta testing with free bet voucher) - Lyra ( Options competition) - Kwenta (beta testing) - Aevo ( OP stack -> beta testing & competition) - Nested ( beta testing, portfolio creation) Cryptotesters didn't charge these projects any fee or commission for working with us. It's hard to quantify the impact of each of these initiatives but participation was always very high.

Funding sources

Before the Optimism DAO was established the Optimsim Labs team gave us a grant
50,000.00 USD