ENS Avatar
33.1K OP
Proposals Voted54 (79.41%)
For / Against / Abstain51 / 2 / 1
Recent activity10 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from29 addresses

Delegate Statement

DAOplomats, a governance-as-a-service organization dedicated to empowering DAOs through effective governance, treasury management, grants programs, and community-building initiatives

The pursuit of growth and innovation is a timeless human endeavor, and as technology continues to evolve, new opportunities arise for us to shape the world around us. The advent of decentralized finance has brought about a new paradigm for governance, where power is distributed among a community of individuals rather than being centralized in a single entity.

As a potential delegate in Optimism’s governance, we have the opportunity to participate in this new era of decentralized decision making and play an active role in shaping the future of this exciting ecosystem. By contributing our unique skills and perspective, we aim to help drive positive change and advance the goals of the community. To make the most impact in Optimism’s governance, it’s important to approach our role as a delegate with a philosophical mindset.

We are here to engage in open and honest dialogue, collaborate with others, and put the interests of the community above our own. By doing this, we can not only help create a more robust and resilient ecosystem, but also be part of a movement that is changing the world for the better. Ultimately, being a delegate is about more than just making decisions - it’s about being part of a larger movement to create a more equitable and sustainable future for us all. By contributing our time, expertise, and creativity, we can be a part of this exciting chapter in human history.

AllowanceDelegated onTypeAmountFromTxn Hash
668.562 OP06/02/2024DIRECTFULL0x13...c9cdView
19.452K OP05/15/2024DIRECTFULL0xe2...b4d0View
393.158 OP05/01/2024DIRECTFULL0xf0...a8efView
650.726 OP04/16/2024DIRECTFULL0x2c...f6faView
4.076K OP04/08/2024DIRECTFULL0x25...ba12View
2.5K OP10/09/2023DIRECTFULL0x07...b77fView
2.782K OP09/18/2023DIRECTFULL0x74...fabdView
0.702 OP08/09/2023DIRECTFULL0x9e...192aView
21.814 OP07/26/2023DIRECTFULL0xb4...2a72View
0.811 OP07/16/2023DIRECTFULL0x57...918fView
2.5K OP07/14/2023DIRECTFULL0xf4...dfc7View
Voted on 1 options in this proposal 10 days ago with 33.1K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3B, 12M OP

Request 1: Support the Superchain
Reason: We support the superchain as it enhances interoperability, and driving growth within the Optimism ecosystem.
Voted on 5 options in this proposal 10 days ago with 33.1K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #1, 500k OP

Voted: Request 1: Cross Chain Voting, Request 4: Analysis of Grant Programs, Request 5: Voting Analysis, Request 7: Develop non-technical solutions for increasin -both voter and token participation in the DAO, Request 10: Integration of Optimism Gov and RPGF into University Courses
Reason: These are the mission requests we believe are beneficial
Voted on 11 options in this proposal 10 days ago with 33.1K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3A, 6M OP

Voted: Request 1A: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1A, Request 1B: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1B, Request 1C: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1C, Request 1D: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1D, Request 2: Subsidized Audit Grants, Request 3: Developer Tools, Request 4: Research capital migration to the Superchain, Request 5: Microgrants for Experimental Projects, Request 6: Optimism as base for LRTs, Request 12: Increase Project Accounts, Request 19: Create Educational Programs that Empower Developers on Optimism - Modified with Lower Budget
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 39.7K votes

Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade

Reason: Voting for this proposal reduces gas and data availability costs, improves network stability, and enhances response times for L1 node issues.
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 39.7K votes

Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal

Reason: Voting for this proposal ensures structured enforcement of the Rules of Engagement, establishing a dedicated Council for consistent and effective governance.
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 39.7K votes

Anticapture Commission Amendment

Reason: Voting "for" this proposal enhances the Anticapture Commission’s effectiveness by refining its mandate and criteria, ensuring good decentralized governance.
Voted on 15 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 39.7K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer

Voted: katie, Jrocki, Michael, mastermojo, GFXlabs, MattL, alexsotodigital, jackanorak, MoneyManDoug, Sov, brichis, habacuc.eth via seedlatam, Liliop.eth, Boardroom, TomaszSwaczyna
Voted on 2 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 39.7K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Audit Reviewer

Voted: m4rio.eth, AnthiasLabs
Reason: AnthiasLabs actively contributes to governance across multiple protocols and m4rio.eth are experienced reviewers.
Voted on 7 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 39.7K votes

Developer Advisory Board Elections

Voted: devtooligan, wildmolasses, Jepsen, blockdev, jtriley.eth, noah.eth, alextnetto.eth
Reason: All of the above are experienced candidates, but we believe the ones we have selected above will fit well for the developer advisory board
Voted on 3 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 39.7K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer

Voted: Juanbug_PGov, mmurthy, v3naru_Curia
Reason: We believe having such experienced people on the grants council is very important. We vote in the following order: 1. v3naru_curia 2.Juanbug_PGov 3.mmurthy