ENS Avatar
34.47K OP
Proposals Voted72 (89.71%)
For / Against / Abstain70 / 1 / 1
Recent activity10 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from10 addresses

Delegate Statement

Hello, I'm Latruite, a French-speaking optimist from Belgium and the Keeper of the Optimism Vision Reservoir website. I am deeply passionate and eager to serve as a Token House Delegate.

As a delegate, my commitment is to bring the Optimistic Vision to life. Of course, Optimism is a means to scale Ethereum and develop a new internet with the Superchain. But we must always keep in mind why we are doing this: this technology must enable us to:

-Ensure that the financial infrastructure we use and all our onchain actions serve our values (impact=profit, collaboration, funding the commons).

-Thanks to RPGF, Upgrade the way we humans allocate capital, enhancing capitalism itself.

-Develop a suite of tools to concretely address the major coordination failures of our era: climate change, the dangers of the attention economy, AI deepfakes and bots, isolation, and the crisis in the governance of collective actions.

My approach is guided by the knowledge and convictions I have developed through my work on the Optimism Vision Reservoir. My interests in Web3 are diverse, focusing on Ethereum's roll-up-centric roadmap in its entirety, but also encompassing environmental sustainability, social impact, and DAOs. I am particularly enthusiastic about advocating for Regenerative Finance (REFI) projects on Optimism.

If you're seeking to delegate your voting power to someone who is committed and passionate about the future of Optimism, I would be honored to represent you as your delegate.

AllowanceDelegated onTypeAmountFromTxn Hash
4.059K OP01/18/2024ADVANCEDPARTIAL0xd6...3b45View
20K OP07/12/2024DIRECTFULL0xe7...1f23View
102.502 OP04/02/2024DIRECTFULL0x40...02f3View
7.015K OP03/22/2024DIRECTFULL0x12...4996View
6.566 OP03/04/2024DIRECTFULL0xa3...1792View
21.697 OP02/22/2024DIRECTFULL0x75...840aView
30.508 OP02/18/2024DIRECTFULL0x15...306dView
3.179K OP02/12/2023DIRECTFULL0x20...c90dView
3.163 OP02/12/2023DIRECTFULL0xbb...5b38View
49.742 OP02/11/2023DIRECTFULL0x66...12bcView
Voted on 19 options in this proposal 11 days ago with 34.5K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3A, 6M OP

Voted: Request 1A: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1A, Request 1B: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1B, Request 1C: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1C, Request 1D: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1D, Request 2: Subsidized Audit Grants, Request 3: Developer Tools, Request 4: Research capital migration to the Superchain, Request 5: Microgrants for Experimental Projects, Request 6: Optimism as base for LRTs, Request 7: Experimental Derivative Markets , Request 8: ERC 4337 Data & Attribution Standards for the Superchain , Request 9: Sequencer commitment games, Request 11: Open-source transaction simulator, Request 12: Increase Project Accounts, Request 13: Support on-chain games close to launch, Request 14:Optimism as Venture Studio, Request 16: Marquee Governance Hackaton , Request 18: Decentralized Basis Trade, Request 19: Create Educational Programs that Empower Developers on Optimism - Modified with Lower Budget
Reason: I support the following missions for the benefit of the Collective
Voted on 1 options in this proposal 11 days ago with 34.5K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3B, 12M OP

Request 1: Support the Superchain
Reason: Full support.
Voted on 8 options in this proposal 11 days ago with 34.5K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #1, 500k OP

Voted: Request 1: Cross Chain Voting, Request 2: Research and Develop a framework to measure potential capture of the Token House, Request 3: Grants Claiming Tools , Request 4: Analysis of Grant Programs, Request 5: Voting Analysis, Request 6: Farcaster Social Graph, Request 8: Decentralized alternative for contract attestation placeholder, Request 10: Integration of Optimism Gov and RPGF into University Courses
Reason: I support the following missions for the benefit of the Collective
Voted on 6 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 14.4K votes

Developer Advisory Board Elections

Voted: wildmolasses, wbnns, Jepsen, anika, merklefruit, shekhirin
Reason: mix of talented builders and experienced candidates
Voted on 2 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 14.4K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Audit Reviewer

Voted: m4rio.eth, AnthiasLabs
Reason: I support the election of those security experts
Voted on 4 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 14.4K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer

Voted: Juanbug_PGov, mmurthy, v3naru_Curia, LauNaMu
Reason: I support the continuity of the current reviewers, but I also encourage a fourth candidate
Voted on 13 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 14.4K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer

Voted: Derbygold.eth, katie, Jrocki, Michael, mastermojo, GFXlabs, jackanorak, MoneyManDoug, Sov, DanSingjoy, Tane, Zeugh, Antoine
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 14.4K votes

Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal

Reason: This improved version incorporates previous feedback and establishes a persistent council
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 14.4K votes

Chain Delegation Program Amendment

Reason: I'm very enthusiastic about any initiatives that bring more chains into the Superchain. This is where the real competition lies.
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 14.4K votes

Anticapture Commission Amendment

Reason: These amendments make the Anticapture Commission more efficient