Active delegate

🎉 100%

Voted in 10/10 of the most recent proposals

ENS Avatar
Voting power102.2K
Delegated addresses14
Proposals created0

Delegate Statement

Hello Optimism community, the Uniswap MetaGov team (UMG) here! We're excited to become more involved with Optimism on behalf of the UniswapDAO.

Objectives We will transparently and accountably represent both the Uniswap & Optimism communities' interests throughout the governance process. In an effort to be proactive and discerning in our voting contributions, we will ensure that each decision is well-considered and thoroughly researched.

Our goal for the MetaGov team is to strive for transparency, efficiency, and broad community involvement.

Disclosure & Waiver of Liability When applicable, we will disclose conflicts of interest and at times abstain from voting with proper forum rationale. Further, our votes are our best opinions and should not be considered an agreement on behalf of Uniswap. By delegating to the UMG, you acknowledge and agree that the UMG participates on a best-efforts basis and that the UMG will not be liable for any form of damages related to its participation in governance.