ENS Avatar
81.24K OP
Proposals Voted66 (88.00%)
For / Against / Abstain63 / 2 / 1
Recent activity9 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from513 addresses

Delegate Statement

I have been involved with defi for a while and feel closely aligned with the Optimistic Vision, and driving impact within the defi/web3 ecosystem leading to the betterment of the space and brining benefits to all its users. I believe Optimism will become one of the flagship scaling platforms in the web3/defi economy and would love to play a role in ensuring it does so. I have been actively participating in the governance of few projects, and looking forward to contributing much more in the years to come!

My view on the Optimistic Vision: The focus on public goods is a marked difference in the goals of the Optimism Collective vs many other DAOs and communities. Public Goods are often taken for granted, however they could become key infrastructure for the decentralised economy.

My view on the first three articles of the Working Constitution: RE: 1. working constitution - This approach allows the Collective to be flexible enough in its formation days and a 4 year period is a sound time frame to solidify the core articles of the Collective. RE: 2. Collective Existence - This seeks to address one of the biggest flaws in existing token based economies i.e the misalignment in expectations and goals. RE: 3. Optimism Foundation - I welcome the Foundation to steward the Collective in the early days and also as a key participant in the decisions of the Collective.

My skills and areas of expertise: Treasury management, Legal research, community engagement research

My favorite Web3 projects: Aave Grants EVMavericks Element Fi

AllowanceDelegated onFromTxn Hash
0.003 OP10/11/20240xb1...9010View
0.442 OP10/10/20240x47...bf3bView
0.199 OP10/09/20240xb1...df91View
0.044 OP10/09/20240xa0...83cfView
70.267 OP10/09/20240x65...49f9View
1.403 OP07/08/20240x7d...08e2View
0.1 OP07/04/20240x63...b627View
9.549 OP06/24/20240x4f...bb4bView
0.444 OP06/08/20240xd5...ff76View
2.352 OP05/01/20240x3a...333aView
0.136 OP04/26/20240x24...3dcfView

Past Votes

Voted on 1 options in this proposal 13 days ago with 77.5K votes

Rolling Mission Requests: Voting Cycle 28

Increase Prevalence of Non-USD/EURO Stablecoins
Voted on 7 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 79.9K votes

Rolling Mission Requests: Voting Cycle 27

Voted: Subsidized Audit Grants V2, Experimentation of Infrastructure Subsidies, Superchain Borrow/Lend Aggregator, Crosschain alert monitoring, Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets - DEX Liquidity for YBAs, Decentralized Solvers and Aggregators on OP Mainnet / Superchain, Optimism Full Financial Audit
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 79.9K votes

Rolling Mission Requests

Reason: Voting FOR the proposal.
Voted on 7 options in this proposal about 2 months ago with 80.8K votes

Security Council Elections Cohort A Members

Voted: Jepsen, ethernaut, ryscheng, pablito.eth, nanexcool, ml_sudo, Agora (as nominated by kent)
Reason: Voting for these options.
Voted on 11 options in this proposal about 2 months ago with 82.2K votes

Security Council Elections Cohort A Members

Voted: Jepsen, ethernaut, ryscheng, yoseph, pablito.eth, nanexcool, ml_sudo, Agora (as nominated by kent), emiliano, troy, Node Guardians (as nominated by sam.ng)
Reason: Voting FOR these options.
Voted on 1 options in this proposal about 2 months ago with 82.2K votes

Security Council Elections: Cohort A Lead

Reason: Voting FOR the proposal.
Voted for this proposal about 2 months ago with 82.2K votes

Upgrade Proposal #10: Granite Network Upgrade

Reason: Voting FOR the proposal.
Abstained from voting on this proposal 3 months ago with 84.1K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3B, 12M OP

Reason: Voting FOR the proposal.
Voted on 13 options in this proposal 3 months ago with 84.1K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3A, 6M OP

Voted: Request 5: Microgrants for Experimental Projects, Request 6: Optimism as base for LRTs, Request 7: Experimental Derivative Markets , Request 8: ERC 4337 Data & Attribution Standards for the Superchain , Request 9: Sequencer commitment games, Request 10: Develop Onchain Social Games that attract Builders to Optimism - v2, Request 11: Open-source transaction simulator, Request 12: Increase Project Accounts, Request 13: Support on-chain games close to launch, Request 14:Optimism as Venture Studio, Request 15: Gaming Infra in the Superchain, Request 16: Marquee Governance Hackaton , Request 17 :Accelerating Game Development in the Superchain
Reason: Voting FOR the selected options.
Voted on 10 options in this proposal 3 months ago with 84.1K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #1, 500k OP

Voted: Request 1: Cross Chain Voting, Request 2: Research and Develop a framework to measure potential capture of the Token House, Request 3: Grants Claiming Tools , Request 4: Analysis of Grant Programs, Request 5: Voting Analysis, Request 6: Farcaster Social Graph, Request 7: Develop non-technical solutions for increasin -both voter and token participation in the DAO, Request 8: Decentralized alternative for contract attestation placeholder, Request 9: Create and Distribute Videos about Optimism Collective Governance, Request 10: Integration of Optimism Gov and RPGF into University Courses
Reason: Voting FOR all the options.
Voted for this proposal 4 months ago with 70.2K votes

Chain Delegation Program Amendment

Reason: Voting FOR the proposal as it would help SuperChain deploying participants participate in governance.
Voted against this proposal 4 months ago with 70.2K votes

Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal

Reason: Voting AGAINST the proposal.
Voted for this proposal 4 months ago with 70.2K votes

Anticapture Commission Amendment

Reason: Voting FOR the proposal.
Voted on 2 options in this proposal 4 months ago with 70.2K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Audit Reviewer

Voted: AnthiasLabs, leo.sagan via seedlatam
Voted on 5 options in this proposal 4 months ago with 70.2K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer

Voted: Bubli.eth, Juanbug_PGov, mmurthy, LauNaMu, suckmydiscoteque.eth
Voted on 8 options in this proposal 4 months ago with 70.2K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer

Voted: Derbygold.eth, katie, Michael, GFXlabs, MattL, jackanorak, Sov, brichis
Reason: Voting FOR these options.
Voted on 15 options in this proposal 4 months ago with 70.6K votes

Developer Advisory Board Elections

Voted: devtooligan, wildmolasses, wbnns, bytes032, Jepsen, blockdev, anika, gmhacker, jtriley.eth, shekhirin, philogy, noah.eth, chom, 0xleastwood, alextnetto.eth
Reason: Voting FOR these options.
Voted for this proposal 4 months ago with 70.2K votes

Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade

Reason: Voting FOR the proposal.
Voted for this proposal 5 months ago with 70.3K votes

Season 6: Intent Budgets

Reason: voting For the proposal as I believe it should pass with the current parameters, they strike a good balance.
Voted on 1 options in this proposal 5 months ago with 70.3K votes

Season 6: Developer Advisory Board Renewal

Ed Mazurek