ENS Avatar
6.039K OP
Proposals Voted59 (86.76%)
For / Against / Abstain56 / 0 / 3
Recent activity10 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from3 addresses

Delegate Statement

Once my voting power reaches a sufficient amount, I will create a delegate statement.

AllowanceDelegated onTypeAmountFromTxn Hash
252.094 OP06/07/2024DIRECTFULL0xef...b724View
5.498K OP11/30/2023DIRECTFULL0x46...9754View
289.126 OP04/08/2023DIRECTFULL0xec...6d74View
Voted on 1 options in this proposal 9 days ago with 6.04K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3B, 12M OP

Request 1: Support the Superchain
Voted on 8 options in this proposal 9 days ago with 6.04K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #3A, 6M OP

Voted: Request 1A: Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets 1A, Request 5: Microgrants for Experimental Projects, Request 6: Optimism as base for LRTs, Request 7: Experimental Derivative Markets , Request 11: Open-source transaction simulator, Request 12: Increase Project Accounts, Request 16: Marquee Governance Hackaton , Request 19: Create Educational Programs that Empower Developers on Optimism - Modified with Lower Budget
Voted on 4 options in this proposal 9 days ago with 6.04K votes

Mission Requests: Intent #1, 500k OP

Voted: Request 2: Research and Develop a framework to measure potential capture of the Token House, Request 3: Grants Claiming Tools , Request 5: Voting Analysis, Request 9: Create and Distribute Videos about Optimism Collective Governance
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 6.04K votes

Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade

Reason: Although there are still few chains that have implemented EIP-7212, it's great that the OP Stack is pioneering its implementation.
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 6.04K votes

Anticapture Commission Amendment

Reason: Such initiatives are necessary for the decentralization of governance.
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 6.04K votes

Chain Delegation Program Amendment

Reason: I am looking forward to the launch of the Chain Delegation program.
Voted for this proposal about 1 month ago with 6.04K votes

Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal

Reason: Following the previous voting cycle, I support this proposal.
Voted on 4 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 6.04K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer

Voted: katie, Jrocki, Michael, fujiar
Reason: I vote for those who are expected to excel in this role.
Voted on 1 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 6.04K votes

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer

Reason: I vote for LauNaMu.
Voted on 1 options in this proposal about 1 month ago with 6.04K votes

Developer Advisory Board Elections

Reason: I vote for Chom.